Source code for rasterinlay.blocks

import numpy as np
from typing import (Tuple, Union, Iterable, Generator)
from ._doc import _raster_doc

[docs]def get_counts(raster: np.ndarray, outvalue: Union[str, int, float] = 0): f"""Count of same valued diagonals (bottom left to top right) in `raster` The method creates a 2D ndarray of the same size as raster containing the counts of identical values. The count is done such that the top left corner of a block with identical value is 1, the 2nd element to the right, as well as the 2nd element down, has a count of 2, etc. Parameters ========== {_raster_doc} outvalue: The background value in `raster` that should be ignored in the same value counting. Returns ======= np.ndarray: 2D `.numpy.ndarray` holding the counts of same valued diagonals. """ height, width = raster.shape _0, _1 = np.array([0], dtype=np.uint8), np.array([1], dtype=np.uint8) counts = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) # count along x axis > width _last_col = raster[:, 0] counts[:, 0] = np.where(_last_col != outvalue, _1, _0) for c in range(1, width): _col = raster[:, c] _col_adding = np.where(_col != outvalue, _1, _0) _col_continue = np.where(_col == _last_col, _1, _0) counts[:, c] = _col_continue * counts[:, c-1] + _col_adding _last_col = _col # count along y axis > height _last_row = raster[0, :] _last_adding = np.where(_last_row != outvalue, _1, _0) for r in range(1, height): _row = raster[r, :] _row_continue = np.where(_row == _last_row, _1, _0) _last_adding *= _row_continue counts[r, :] += _last_adding _last_adding += np.where(_row != outvalue, _1, _0) _last_row = _row return counts
[docs]def get_block(start: tuple, shape: tuple, offset: tuple = None) -> tuple: """Returns slice for accessing the block defined by `start` and `shape`. Parameters ========== start: Coordinates of the blocks top left corner shape: Height and width (in number of pixles) of the block offset: vertical and horizontal offset of `start`. The offset can be used if a block is given in another coordinate system, e.g. when a block is detected within another bock. Returns: Slice to retrieve the block. """ if offset: h_offset, w_offset = offset else: h_offset, w_offset = 0, 0 return ( slice(start[0] + h_offset, start[0] + shape[0] + h_offset), slice(start[1] + w_offset, start[1] + shape[1] + w_offset) )
[docs]def offset_block(sblock: tuple, offset: tuple): """Adding an offset to a block slice. Parameters ========== sblock: Slice of a block as returned by `.get_block`. offset: vertical and horizontal offset to add to the block slice. """ h_off, w_off = offset h_bs, w_bs = sblock return ( slice(h_bs.start + h_off, h_bs.stop + h_off), slice(w_bs.start + w_off, w_bs.stop + w_off) )
[docs]def add_padding(sblock: tuple, padding: int): """Adding an padding to a block slice. Parameters ========== sblock: Slice of a block as returned by `.get_block`. padding: number of cells to add around the block slice. """ s_height = max( 0, sblock[0].start - padding ), sblock[0].stop + padding s_width = max( 0, sblock[1].start - padding ), sblock[1].stop + padding return slice(*s_height), slice(*s_width)
def _superblock_starts(inside_counts): return tuple(zip(*np.where(inside_counts == 1))) def _superblock_shapes(raster, counts, starts): # now assess the dimensions of all those blocks shapes = [] _raster_height, _raster_width = raster.shape for rs, cs in starts: _w = 0 val = raster[rs, cs] while np.logical_and( counts[rs, cs + _w + 1] > counts[rs, cs + _w], raster[rs, cs + _w + 1] == val): _w += 1 if cs + _w + 1 == _raster_width: break _h = 0 while np.logical_and( counts[rs + _h + 1, cs] > counts[rs + _h, cs], raster[rs + _h + 1, cs] == val): _h += 1 if rs + _h + 1 == _raster_height: break shapes.append((_h+1, _w+1)) return shapes
[docs]def get_superblocks( raster: np.ndarray, counts: np.ndarray, outvalue: Union[str, int, float] = 0) -> Generator[tuple, None, None]: """ Parameters ========== raster: A 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray` in which blocks with an identical value should be found counts: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray` holding the counts of same valued diagonals. outvalue: The background value in `raster` that should be ignored in the same value counting. Returns ======= Generator[tuple]: Collection of slices for all detected super-blocks. A super-block can be a block respecting a certain shape (determined when constructing `counts` - see `.get_counts` for details), a multi-block or an overloaded block. A multi-block contains only a single value but does not respect the limit shape. An overloaded block contains a single value in the top row and left column but other blocks within. """ starts = _superblock_starts(counts) shapes = _superblock_shapes(raster, counts, starts) return ( get_block(st, sh) for st, sh in zip(starts, shapes) )
def _classify_block( uniques: Union[tuple, list, np.ndarray], counts: np.ndarray, sblock: tuple, ok_max: int) -> int: """Classifies blocks into normal-, a multi-, or overloaded-blocks. Parameters ========== unique: Collection of unique values returned when applying `sblock` to the raster counts: 2D `.numpy.ndarray` holding the counts of same valued diagonals. sblock: Slice of a block as returned by `.get_block`. ok_max: maximal number of diagonals accepted within a single block. If a block is found that contains a single value in `uniques` but exceeds this number of same valued diagonals it is classified as multi-block. """ if len(uniques) > 1: return 2 elif np.max(counts[sblock]) <= ok_max: return 0 else: return 1
[docs]def separate_superblocks( raster: np.ndarray, counts: np.ndarray, superblocks: Iterable[tuple], block_shape: tuple, tolerance: int = 1) -> Tuple[list]: """ Parameters ========== raster: A 2D array in which blocks with an identical value should be found counts: 2D `.numpy.ndarray` holding the counts of same valued diagonals superblocks: Collection of supeber-bock slices block_shape: Height and width (in number of pixles) of a block tolerance: Accepted _increase_ in height and/or width of a block. Returns ======= tuple: blocks: list Collection of slices for all unique valued blocks respecting the `block_shape` (plus tolerance) constriaints multi_blocks: list Collection of slices for all unique valued blocks that are over sized overloaded_blocks: Collection of slices for all overloaded block. They contains a single value in the top row and left column but other blocks within. """ # first is ok blocks, second is multiblock and third is overloaded block blocks = ([], [], []) bheight, bwidth = block_shape # 2 * tolerance as both along height and width ok_max = bheight+bwidth+2*tolerance for sblock in superblocks: uniques = np.unique(raster[sblock]) blocks[_classify_block(uniques, counts, sblock, ok_max)].append(sblock) return blocks
[docs]def split_multiblock( sblock: tuple, block_shape: tuple, tolerance: int = 1) -> list: """Splits up a multi-block into a possible set blocks. Parameters ========== sblock: Slice of a block as returned by `.get_block` block_shape: Height and width (in number of pixles) of a block tolerance: Accepted _increase_ in height and/or width of a block. Returns ======= list: Collection of normal blocks that can compose the multi-block specified by the slices of `sblock` """ height, width = block_shape h_start, h_stop = sblock[0].start, sblock[0].stop b_height = h_stop - h_start h_residue = b_height % height w_start, w_stop = sblock[1].start, sblock[1].stop b_width = w_stop - w_start w_residue = b_width % width h_mult = int((b_height - h_residue) / height) w_mult = int((b_width - w_residue) / width) # if there is no residue, simply split according to mult block_heights = [height for _ in range(h_mult)] # NOTE: dealing with tolerance a priory works only for bigger blocks and # not for smaller ones. if h_residue: # how many block have a height slightly off? nbr_vertic_dev = int((h_residue - h_residue % tolerance) / tolerance) # make sure that the oddly sized blocks do not exceed the tolerance assert nbr_vertic_dev * tolerance <= h_residue # add tolerance to the last blocks i = -1 while h_residue: block_heights[i] += 1 h_residue -= 1 i -= 1 block_widths = [width for _ in range(w_mult)] if w_residue: # how many block have a height slightly off? nbr_horiz_dev = int((w_residue - w_residue % tolerance) / tolerance) # make sure that the oddly sized blocks do not exceed the tolerance assert nbr_horiz_dev * tolerance <= w_residue # add tolerance to the last blocks i = -1 while w_residue: block_widths[i] += 1 w_residue -= 1 i -= 1 sb = [] upper_left = [h_start, w_start] block_heights_iter = iter(block_heights) for _vert in range(h_mult): block_height = next(block_heights_iter) block_widths_iter = iter(block_widths) for _horiz in range(w_mult): block_width = next(block_widths_iter) sb.append( ( slice(upper_left[0], upper_left[0] + block_height), slice(upper_left[1], upper_left[1] + block_width) ) ) upper_left[1] += block_width upper_left[1] = w_start upper_left[0] += block_height return sb
[docs]def breakdown_multiblocks( multiblocks: Iterable[tuple], block_shape: tuple, tolerance=1) -> list: """Decomposes a collection of multi-blocks into a collection of blocks. Parameters ========== multiblocks: Collection of slices that specify multi-blocks. block_shape: Height and width (in number of pixles) of a block. tolerance: Accepted _increase_ in height and/or width of a block. Returns ======= list: Collection of normal blocks found in the collection of multi-blocks in `multiblocks`. """ blocks = [] for mb in multiblocks: blocks.extend( split_multiblock( mb, block_shape=block_shape, tolerance=tolerance ) ) return blocks
[docs]def split_overloaded( raster: np.ndarray, counts: np.ndarray, overloaded_block: tuple, block_shape: tuple, outvalue: Union[str, int, float] = 0, tolerance: int = 1) -> tuple: """Splits an overloaded bock into super-blocks and classifies them. Parameters ========== raster: A 2D `.numpy.ndarray` in which blocks with an identical value should be found counts: 2D `.numpy.ndarray` holding the counts of same valued diagonals overloaded_block: Slices that determine an overloaded block in `raster` block_shape: Height and width (in number of pixles) of a block outvalue: The background value in `raster` that should be ignored in the same value counting tolerance: Accepted _increase_ in height and/or width of a block. Returns ======= tuple: blocks: list Collection of slices for all unique valued blocks respecting the `block_shape` (plus tolerance) constriaints multi_blocks: list Collection of slices for all unique valued blocks that are over sized overloaded_blocks: Collection of slices for all overloaded block. They contains a single value in the top row and left column but other blocks within. """ bheight, bwidth = block_shape # 2 * tolerance as both along height and width ok_max = bheight+bwidth+2*tolerance _block_raster = raster[overloaded_block] value = _block_raster[0, 0] _counts = get_counts(_block_raster, value) _starts = _superblock_starts(_counts) _shapes = _superblock_shapes(_block_raster, _counts, _starts) _inner_blocks = [get_block(_st, _sh) for _st, _sh in zip(_starts, _shapes)] ob_height, ob_width = overloaded_block h_offset = ob_height.start w_offset = ob_width.start # first is ok blocks, second is multiblock and third is overloaded block blocks = ([], [], []) # identify top line as multiblock upper_height = min(_starts, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] blocks[1].append( ( slice(ob_height.start, ob_height.start + upper_height), ob_width ) ) # identify the (potential) multiblock on the left left_width = min(_starts, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] blocks[1].append( ( slice(ob_height.start + upper_height, ob_height.stop), slice(ob_width.start, ob_width.start + left_width) ) ) # now check the types of the inner blocks for _block in _inner_blocks: if _block_raster[_block][0, 0] != outvalue: # add it, its either a block a multiblock or a overloaded orig_block = offset_block(_block, (h_offset, w_offset)) uniques = np.unique(raster[orig_block]) blocks[ _classify_block(uniques, _counts, _block, ok_max) ].append(orig_block) return blocks
[docs]def breakdown_overloadeds( raster, counts, overloadeds, block_shape, outvalue=0, tolerance=1): """Decomposes a collection of overloaded blocks into classified blocks. THIS IS NOT DONE! Parameters ========== overloadeds: Collection of slices that specify multi-blocks. block_shape: Height and width (in number of pixles) of a block. tolerance: Accepted _increase_ in height and/or width of a block. Returns ======= list: Collection of normal blocks found in the collection of multi-blocks in `multiblocks`. """ blocks = ([], [], []) for ol in overloadeds: _okb, _multib, _overloadeds = split_overloaded( raster, counts, ol, block_shape, outvalue=outvalue, tolerance=tolerance ) blocks[0].extend(_okb) blocks[1].extend(_multib) blocks[2].extend(_overloadeds) return blocks
[docs]def find_blocks( raster: np.ndarray, block_shape: tuple, outvalue: Union[str, int, float] = 0): """Identify all single-valued blocks within a raster. Parameters ========== raster: A 2D `.numpy.ndarray` in which blocks with an identical value should be found block_shape: Height and width (in number of pixles) of a block outvalue: The background value in `raster` that should be ignored in the same value counting. Returns ======= list: Collection of blocks found in raster. Blocks are specified with slices thus a single block can be passed as index to `raster`. """ counts = get_counts(raster, outvalue=outvalue) blocks = [] while np.any(counts): min_count = np.min(counts[counts != 0]) # set smallest non-zero counts to 1 counts[counts != 0] -= min_count - 1 superblocks = get_superblocks(raster, counts) _blocks, multiblocks, overloaded = separate_superblocks( raster, counts, superblocks, block_shape) _blocks.extend(_blocks) # first handle the overloadeds while overloaded: _b, _m, overloaded = breakdown_overloadeds( raster, counts, overloaded, block_shape) _blocks.extend(_b) multiblocks.extend(_m) # now break down the multiblocks _blocks.extend( breakdown_multiblocks(multiblocks, block_shape, tolerance=1) ) # remove the counts within all blocks for block in _blocks: counts[block] = 0 blocks.extend(_blocks) return blocks